Cestui Que Vie Act 1666
An Act for Redresse of Inconveniencies by want of Proofe of the Deceases of Persons beyond the Seas or absenting themselves, upon whose Lives Estates doe depend.
X1Recital that Cestui que vies have gone beyond Sea, and that Reversioners cannot find out whether they are alive or dead.
Whereas diverse Lords of Mannours and others have granted Estates by Lease for one or more life or lives, or else for yeares determinable upon one or more life or lives And it hath often happened that such person or persons for whose life or lives such Estates have beene granted have gone beyond the Seas or soe absented themselves for many yeares that the Lessors and Reversioners cannot finde out whether such person or persons be alive or dead by reason whereof such Lessors and Reversioners have beene held out of possession of their Tenements for many yeares after all the lives upon which such Estates depend are dead in regard that the Lessors and Reversioners when they have brought Actions for the recovery of their Tenements have beene putt upon it to prove the death of their Tennants when it is almost impossible for them to discover the same, For remedy of which mischeife soe frequently happening to such Lessors or Reversioners.
Cestui que vie remaining beyond Sea for Seven Years together and no Proof of their Lives, Judge in Action to direct a Verdict as though Cestui que vie were dead.
If such person or persons for whose life or lives such Estates have beene or shall be granted as aforesaid shall remaine beyond the Seas or elsewhere absent themselves in this Realme by the space of seaven yeares together and noe sufficient and evident proofe be made of the lives of such person or persons respectively in any Action commenced for recovery of such Tenements by the Lessors or Reversioners in every such case the person or persons upon whose life or lives such Estate depended shall be accounted as naturally dead, And in every Action brought for the recovery of the said Tenements by the Lessors or Reversioners their Heires or Assignes, the Judges before whom such Action shall be brought shall direct the Jury to give their Verdict as if the person soe remaining beyond the Seas or otherwise absenting himselfe were dead.
If the supposed dead Man prove to be alive, then the Title is revested. Action for mean Profits with Interest.
[X2Provided alwayes That if any person or [X3person or] persons shall be evicted out of any Lands or Tenements by vertue of this Act, and afterwards if such person or persons upon whose life or lives such Estate or Estates depend shall returne againe from beyond the Seas, or shall on proofe in any Action to be brought for recovery of the same [X3to] be made appeare to be liveing; or to have beene liveing at the time of the Eviction That then and from thenceforth the Tennant or Lessee who was outed of the same his or their Executors Administrators or Assignes shall or may reenter repossesse have hold and enjoy the said Lands or Tenements in his or their former Estate for and dureing the Life or Lives or soe long terme as the said person or persons upon whose Life or Lives the said Estate or Estates depend shall be liveing, and alsoe shall upon Action or Actions to be brought by him or them against the Lessors Reversioners or Tennants in possession or other persons respectively which since the time of the said Eviction received the Proffitts of the said Lands or Tenements recover for damages the full Proffitts of the said Lands or Tenements respectively with lawfull Interest for and from the time that he or they were outed of the said Lands or Tenements, and kepte or held out of the same by the said Lessors Reversioners Tennants or other persons who after the said Eviction received the Proffitts of the said Lands or Tenements or any of them respectively as well in the case when the said person or persons upon whose Life or Lives such Estate or Estates did depend are or shall be dead at the time of bringing of the said Action or Actions as if the said person or persons where then liveing.]
Choosing a flag for your ID
For your new ID card we encourage you to chose the Flag you wish to have on it. But this raises the question of why?
We have a Default My-Id Logo showing but this WILL be automatically Changed to GODS Flag unless you selct one of the other two options.
You CAN NOT have your card supplied with the MY-ID Logo simple.
Please DO NOT place and order if you have an issue with this.
When you walk into Government buildings and courts many times you will see a Flag. You are being put on Notice of the Jurisdiction governing it.;
For example if you walk into a court and the Flag has a Gold fringe then this is telling you that it is under Admiralty Jurisdiction. Don’t be thrown be off into thinking they are talking about the sea, and it doesn’t apply to land. As most people are fast becoming aware the Administrative courts are operating under Admiralty Jurisdiction where the Crown is in control and the people are no longer sovereign;
Pursuant to the “Law of the Flag”, a military flag does result in jurisdictional implications when flown. Admiralty law is for the sea and maritime law govern’s contracts between parties that trade over the sea and when a ship owner sends his vessel into a foreign port, he gives notice by his flag to all who enter into contracts with the master that he intends the law of that flag to regulate such contracts, and that they must either submit to its operation or not contract with him. [Ruhstrat v. People, 185 III.];
In other words: The flag state of a commercial vessel is the state under whose laws the vessel is registered or licensed. The flag state has the authority and responsibility to enforce regulations over vessels registered under its flag, including those relating to inspection, certification, and issuance of safety and pollution prevention documents. As a ship operates under the laws of its flag state, these laws are applicable if the vessel [your LEGAL PERSON which is “Birthed”] is involved in an admiralty case;
Therefore, we do NOT recommend putting a Union Jack Flag on the ID cards as this would put any contracts made by POLICY ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS under the Jurisdiction of the of the UNITED KINGDOM CORPORATION, which would then be dealt with in an Unlawful Administrative court operating in Admiralty Jurisdiction which has been overlaid and applied on the land;
Saint George’s Cross
In heraldry, Saint George’s Cross, also called the Cross of Saint George, is a red cross on a white background, which from the late middle ages became associated with Saint George, the military saint, often depicted as a crusader.
Note: This is not the Flag of England which is derived from Saint George’s Cross.

The Restored Kingdom of Albion
The Restored Kingdom of Albion (Britain). Albion is the original name for Great Britain and the flag of the Restored Kingdom of Albion is taken from one of the primary battle flags of Old Albion, based on the arms used by Edward the Confessor on his currency.
The earliest use of the banner was in the early 1400s, but it fell out of use by the late-1600’s, until now.

The Flag of God
The Flag of God. This Flag has no particular religious affiliation, but suffice to say this Flag represents a higher Authority than any nation as the hierarchy is God who created man, and man who created Government, who then created LEGAL PERSONS (FICTIONS);

Common Law Court
The root of the common law lies in the Anglo-Saxon tribal traditions of Europe and their village-based system of justice and government. In this tradition, authority arose from the will of the people and not a ruler, since liberty was understood to dwell inherently within every man and woman born.
Rights are not granted by one person to another, since they exist; ab initio” from the beginning.
All people, therefore, have the inborn capacity to govern themselves, to know right from wrong and act justly, and to judge for themselves all things, including the conduct of others.
This inborn capacity rather than imposed statute was the tribal guarantee of social peace and harmony.
But alongside this common law arose a contrary system of governance derived from state-level Empires and their religions that saw people not as inherently free but rather as chattels and property of others.
This imperial system of domination has always been at permanent war with the liberty and equality of the common law.
The Only True Law is Natural Common Law
Cause No Harm, Cause No Injury, Cause No Loss, to your fellow man/woman
Common-Law is NOT the same as Natural Common Law
Common Law is created in the legal system we know as Acts and Statutes by Private BAR Member Judges from previous cases, on which they then say is now common in law.
It is effectively common cases heard in their Private Court Rooms and which they have classed as being a common event.
Once the Private BAR took control !
“Infomation Below is Courtesy of the Bercianian”
For the purposes of resolving the confusion which abounds on this critical subject, here lies the British Common Law Timeline, from Brutus to Magna Carta 2020.
1103 BC – According to the Historical Triads, Morgan and Waddell, Britain was founded by Brutus and the Trojans, as a free and sovereign nation, in which all men and women were considered equal to the king.
This ancient assertion was corroborated by Lord Chief Justice Coke, in Preface to Vol. iii. of Reports, when he affirmed that the Original Laws of this land were composed of such elements as Brutus first selected from the Ancient Greek and Trojan Institutions.
Under Trojan Law, the king [known as the Sovereign Paramount] was responsible for the protection of the people, the punishment of criminals and the settling of disputes. However, the Sovereign Paramount assumed the role of a military dictator during times of national conflict or foreign invasion.
When the Trojans arrived, the island was already partially inhabited by their kindred, the Kymry in the west, the Loegrians in the east and the Brythons in the north, who were known as the Giants in traditional folklore.
After being elected as their leader, Brutus named the island Britain [Prydain in the common tongue], when it was divided into three sovereign domains – Cambria in the west, Loegria in the east and Alban in the north.
The island had previously been known as Albion, during which time the Giants established the tin industry in Cornwall, which remained a sovereign and independent part of the new nation of Britain.
The Trojans and their kindred not only spoke the same language, they also practised the same nature-worshipping Druidic religion, out of which arose courts of Common Law, which were also presided over by the Druids.
1075 – 400 BC – By the time Brutus died in 1075 BC, Britain had already established itself as an advanced metal-working, stone-building, sea-faring nation, with a large population that was significantly bolstered by the migration of their kindred from the mainland of what later became known as Europe.
However, despite the building of sixty universities, the expansion of the national roads network and the nation becoming the primary exporter of tin to the civilised world, Britain was riven by internecine disputes and civil wars, over whom would act as Sovereign Paramount, for the better part of the next seven centuries.
The inevitable rise of tyrannous kings led to the secession of many clans, which formed their own petty kingdoms and made claims to land and resources, which were in perpetual states of a dispute between the warring kingdoms.
Until a petty king of Cornwall conquered his enemies to become the uncontested king of Britain and established long-lasting peace by instituting a codified system of Common Law, which united all the previously warring petty kingdoms under a system of equitable triads.
400 BC – This system of Common Law was established in writing by King Dyfnal Moelmud [Donald the Bald], originally known as the Molmutine Laws, which were applied across Britain for the next two millennia.
These laws set in stone the power of the people to nullify miscarriages of justice, unjust laws and tyrannical regimes, by way of what became known as the Grand Jury 1500 years later, but was originally known as a Convention.
Britain’s sixty universities, as well as the courts of justice, were presided over by Druids, who extolled the virtue of vicarious atonement and the immortality of the soul, centuries before the birth of Christianity.
55 – 54 BC – After centuries of peace and prosperity in Britain under the Molmutine Laws, Julius Caesar tried and failed twice to invade what he and other contemporaries described as a highly civilised nation of people, where the nobility of Rome sent their children to be educated in the Druidic universities.
Nevertheless, with almost the entire Roman army at his disposal. Caesar twice explained to the Senate that it was the fearlessness of the “war-like Britons”, as well as their indomitable charioteers, which set fear a flame within his legions and inevitably resulted in two inglorious retreats from British shores.
36 AD – The first Apostolic Christian Church was founded near where Glastonbury now stands, after the British crown granted several hides of land to Joseph of Arimathea and the Apostles of Christ, as documented by the Doomsday book, more than a thousand years later.
43 AD – Claudius led another attempt to conquer Britain in 43 AD, for the purposes of which he hired the Angles, Saxons and Jutes as mercenaries.
However, this was the Pagan Roman Emperor’s attempt to crush Christianity at its source, which lasted more than four decades and resulted in Roman occupation of the south and east of the country, whilst the north and west of Britain largely remained under British control.
In fact, no matter how many resources Rome threw at the west and north of Britain, where the Cambrians, the Silures, the Picts and the Strathclyde Britons had lived harmoniously under the Common Law since 400 BC, the lands and peoples could not be conquered by Rome.
This stalemate led to numerous treaties which preserved the Common Law, with the agreement of the Roman Senate, in return for taxes upon the people, which were almost never paid.
86 AD – According to Morgan, the Romans were expelled from Britain [save for trading outposts and the odd strategic military base], within which the Druidic religion was seamlessly merging with Christianity, even though the former was still lawfully practised, as per the freedom of religion guaranteed by the Common Law.
156 AD – Lucius, king of Britain, declared that the country was a Christian nation, despite maintaining the ancient freedom of religion within its many kingdoms, as per the Molmutine Laws, which were in accordance will all of the central Christian precepts, most notably, treat others how you would have them treat you.
420 AD – Near the end of the fourth century of British Apostolic Christianity, the Angles, Saxons and Jutes begin to invade and settle in the south and east of Britain, bringing with them their Pagan religion, patriarchal tyranny and lawlessness, which prevailed for the better part of the next five centuries.
562 AD – During the reign of the British king, Arthur II, who subdued and conquered the foreign invaders, a comet struck and devastated Britain, which was uninhabitable for the next fifteen years.
577 AD – The Angles, Saxons and Jutes returned to Britain before the Britons, guaranteeing centuries of religious and civil wars. Nevertheless, British dominion over the north and west were quickly re-established, along with the Common Law.
580 AD – After invading the recovering lands in the north of Britain, the Scots of Ireland founded the Gaelic kingdom of Dai Riata, which comprised of much of what it has now known as Argyll in Scotland and Antrim in Northern Ireland, causing centuries of wars with the surviving indigenous Picts and Strathclyde Britons.
927 AD – England was founded by Æthelstan under the British Common Law, after Alfred the Great incorporated it into Anglo-Saxon Law around 886 AD, after being petitioned by his Aldermen to do so. However, the new kingdom remained sovereign for only 139 years.
1066 – England was conquered by the Normans, who imposed the feudal system, usury and taxation upon the English, rendering them serfs in their own homeland. However, the Cambrians [now the Welsh], the Scots and the Strathclyde Britons in Alba [now Scotland] remained free and sovereign under the original British Common Law.
1100 – William the Bastard’s son, Henry I, issued the first Charter of Liberties in 1100, thereby securing the rights of the barons and the king, whilst the people remained serfs who were subject to the occupiers’ unaccountable tyranny.
1166 – The Assize of Clarendon in 1266 transferred jurisdiction from the barons’ feudal courts, where justice was impossible to obtain for the people, to the Royal Court, which ordered a form of Grand Jury to be formed once a year in each feudal district, to hear all the indictments of alleged criminals, with the sworn intention of upholding the king’s peace.
1215 – After almost 150 years of unrestrained royal tyranny, king John’s barons – the freemen, or more accurately, the inheritors of the lands stolen during the conquest – forced the king at knife-point to seal Magna Carta 1215.
None of the articles acknowledged any rights, freedoms and protections for the serfs, who remained in feudal bondage. However, article 61 acknowledged the right to seek justice from judges who presided over alleged wrongdoings, as well as purporting to make rebellion against the monarch lawful, in the event the articles of the charter were breached.
1216 – The Boy King Henry III’s Great Charter of Liberties in 1216 [Magna Carta Libertatum] adopted 42 of the articles of Magna Carta 1215, with the notable exception of Article 61, which no monarch would voluntarily agree to because it purported to give freemen the right to rebel against the king lawfully. The new charter effectively repealed 22 articles and replaced the 1215 version.
1217 – The Great Charter of Liberties was reissued in 1217, following the end of the First Barons War and the Treaty of Lambeth. This included an addition which became known as the Charter of the Forest.
1225 – When King Henry reached the age of majority, he was asked to reaffirm the previous charters and he issued new versions. This time, the definitive version of the Magna Carta was issued with 37 of the original articles. This was the first time the charter became English Law. The new Great Charter of Liberties included a statement that the king sealed it of his own free will.
1227 – King Henry declared that all future charters had to be sealed voluntarily by the monarch and called into question the validity of all the previous charters, most obviously Magna Carta 1215, which John sealed at knife-point.
1237 – Both of Henry’s charters were finally confirmed and granted in perpetuity, in return for a tax burden on the people, which the barons collected for the king.
1297 – Magna Carta and the Charter of Liberties of 1225 were re-issued by Edward I, who set about imposing English domination upon the Catholic Scots, who were still living under their laws and an ancient unbroken royal lineage. Magna Carta 1297 was nevertheless committed to the statute book.
1320 – Robert the Bruce made the Declaration of Arbroath, affirming the Scots’ ancient lineage and their passionate dedication to freedom and independence from English rule, following decades of Red Coat genocides by royal decree and the merciless crushing of the Wallace Rebellion, led by a direct descendant of the Strathclyde Britons, William Wallace.
1331-69 – Edward III enacted the Six Statutes, for the purposes of clarifying the previous charters. The third statute of 1354 redefined clause 29 of Magna Carta 1297, so that justice was guaranteed for all men and not just freemen, as per the ancient customs, rights and liberties acknowledged by Magna Carta 1215, otherwise known as the Common Law.
1628 – Lord Coke’s Petition of Right was reluctantly sealed by Charles I, after he imposed martial law upon the people by royal decree, along with arbitrary taxes without consent and other harsh and cruel punishments.
1688 – Following centuries of religious, civil and foreign wars and the beheading of Charles I at the end of the English Civil Wars, James II was deposed for tyrannous crimes against the people and the Declaration of Rights was sealed by the new king, William of Orange, along with the Coronation Oath.
1689 – The Declaration of Rights was transposed into the Bill of Rights 1689, the articles of which guaranteed the Common Law rights of every English subject, including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, jury trials and the right for Protestants to bear arms.
1701 – The Act of Settlement placed limits on the power of foreigners in government and on the power of the monarch in respect of Parliament, as well as settling the succession of the thrown on the Protestant line.
1706 – The Acts of Union 1706 and 1707 created the United Kingdom of Great Britain, in breach of the Declaration of Arbroath. However, it also meant that all subjects in both countries enjoyed the rights, protections and benefits guaranteed by the British Common Law, whilst retaining separate and distinct legal systems.
1801 – English occupied Ireland was unlawfully incorporated into the United Kingdom of Great Britain, by way of the Act of Union 1801.
1972 – 2019 – Successive UK Parliaments voted [incrementally] to cede British sovereignty to the European Union [formerly the Common Market], in various treaties and statutes, without the consent or knowledge of the British people, which is tantamount to High Treason. The first and predominant of those statutes was the European Communities Act 1972.
2020 – A treacherous Parliament attempted to usurp British sovereignty by way of section 38 of the EU Withdrawal (Agreement) Act 2020, whilst the Coronavirus Act 2020 treasonously purported to suspend the birthrights of the British people, as guaranteed by the Common Law, which gave rise to Magna Carta 2020 – Declaration of Rights, the purpose of which is to restore sovereignty, freedom and the Common Law.
There is much argument as to when the Law of the Land actually started?
Magna Carta
This may look like a plain, unassuming piece of parchment, but it’s actually one of the most famous documents in the world. Magna Carta, meaning ‘the Great Charter’, has inspired people across the centuries, from Thomas Jefferson to Mahatma Gandhi. But why was the charter originally created? And what does it actually say?
Let us take you back to medieval England. It’s the year 1215, and the ruler is King John. Many people believe that King John was one of the worst kings in history. He imprisoned his former wife; he starved his opponents to death; he allegedly murdered his own nephew, and pulled the beards of the Irish Chiefs.
King John had imposed heavy taxes on his barons in order to pay for his expensive foreign wars. If they refused to pay, he punished them severely or seized their property. The barons demanded that King John obey the law; when he refused, they captured London and John was forced to negotiate.
The two sides met at Runnymede in June 1215. The result of the negotiations was written down by the king’s clerks in the document we know as Magna Carta. Although most of the charter’s clauses dealt with medieval rights and customs, Magna Carta has become a powerful symbol of liberty around the world.
The most famous clause, which is still part of the law today, for the first time gave all ‘free men’ the right to justice and a fair trial.
‘No man shall be arrested or imprisoned except by the judgment of their equals and by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice.’
Wow That Sounds Great
However, this clause was not as liberal as it sounds.
The Charter only applied to ‘free men’, the vast majority of people in 1215 were unfree peasants who were ruled over by their landowners.
And although Magna Carta was intended to create peace between King John and his rebellious barons, England was plunged into civil war after the Pope declared the Charter invalid.
When King John died of dysentery in 1216, nine-year-old Henry III took to the throne.
To keep the peace, Magna Carta was reissued several times during the 13th century, until it was finally made part of English law.
Magna Carta has lived on for 800 years and is echoed in the United States Declaration of Independence and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Perhaps Magna Carta’s most important legacy is that everyone – including our leaders – must obey the law.
What started out as a document of specific complaints from a group of barons has turned into an international symbol of liberty, without which we might not have the rights we value so much today.
What does Magna Carta say?
Although Magna Carta contained 63 clauses when it was first granted, only three of those clauses remain part of English law.
One defends the liberties and rights of the English Church, another confirms the liberties and customs of London and other towns, but the third is the most famous:
No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice.
This clause gave all free men the right to justice and a fair trial. However, ‘free men’ comprised only a small proportion of the population in medieval England. The majority of the people were unfree peasants known as ‘villeins’, who could seek justice only through the courts of their own lords.
Buried deep in Magna Carta
This clause was given no particular prominence in 1215, but its intrinsic adaptability has allowed succeeding generations to reinterpret it for their own purposes. In the 14th century Parliament saw it as guaranteeing trial by jury; in the 17th century Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634) interpreted it as a declaration of individual liberty in his conflict with the early Stuart kings, and it has echoes in the American Bill of Rights (1791) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).
Much of the remainder of the Magna Carta dealt with specific grievances regarding the ownership of land, the regulation of the justice system, and medieval taxes with no modern equivalent (such as ‘scutage’ and ‘socage’). It demanded the removal of fish weirs from the Thames, the Medway and throughout England; the dismissal of several royal servants; the standardisation of various weights and measures; and so on.
Magna Carta stated that no taxes could be demanded without the ‘general consent of the realm’, meaning the leading barons and churchmen. It re-established privileges which had been lost, and it linked fines to the severity of the offence so as not to threaten an individual’s livelihood. It also confirmed that a widow could not be forced to remarry against her wishes.
More Magna Carter Infomation Here
This sites provides Lawful Common Law Identity to those individual Men and Woman who wish to separate their Private and Public lives
Why was the Magna Carta created?
In 1214, a mercenary army raised by King John was defeated by the French at the Battle of Bouvines in northern France. This army had been paid largely by the tax known as ‘scutage’, a payment made to the Crown in place of providing knights for military service, and the focus of much baronial discontent.
King John’s reign was also marked by his strained relationship with the Church. John had rejected the election of Stephen Langton (1150–1228) as Archbishop of Canterbury, and in 1208 the Pope issued a decree (known as an ‘Interdict’), prohibiting people in England from receiving the sacraments or being buried in consecrated ground. King John was excommunicated by Pope Innocent III (1161–1216) in 1209, and the Interdict remained in place until John surrendered his kingdom to the overlordship of the Pope in 1213.
In 1213, a party of rebel barons met with Archbishop Stephen Langton and the papal legate (a representative of the Pope) to air their grievances against the King. They also urged that John should agree to confirm the coronation charter issued by his ancestor, King Henry I, in 1100, which had promised ‘to abolish all the evil customs by which the kingdom of England has been unjustly oppressed. In early 1215, the dispute escalated when King John refused to meet the barons’ demands. In May many barons renounced their oaths of allegiance to him, choosing Robert fitz Walter (1162–1235) as their leader. Their capture of the city of London that same month was a turning point in their campaign.
Once London was in the barons’ hands, John had no option but to negotiate with them. The two sides met at Runnymede, on the River Thames near Windsor in the south of England, in June 1215. The demands of the barons were recorded in the document known as the Articles of the Barons. Following further discussions with the barons and clerics led by Archbishop Langton, King John&; granted the Charter of Liberties, subsequently known as Magna Carta, at Runnymede on 15 June 1215. On 19 June the rebel barons made their formal peace with King John and renewed their oaths of allegiance to him.
The King& clerks set about drawing up copies of the agreement for distribution throughout the kingdom. It is not certain how many copies of the 1215 Magna Carta were originally issued, but four copies still survive one in Lincoln Cathedral; one in Salisbury Cathedral; and two at the British Library. Like other medieval royal charters, Magna Carta was authenticated with the Great Seal, not by the signature of the king.
Was Magna Carta effective in the short term?
Although King John agreed to the terms of the Magna Carta and the barons renewed their oaths of allegiance, the settlement did not last long. Aggrieved by the manner in which Magna Carta was to be enforced, John sent messengers to the Pope (the overlord of the kingdoms of England and Ireland) in the summer of 1215, requesting that the charter be annulled. In turn, the barons refused to surrender the city of London to the King until Magna Carta had been implemented. Pope Innocent III was alarmed by the charter’s terms, and on 24 August 1215 he issued a document known as a papal bull, describing Magna Carta as ‘illegal, unjust, harmful to royal rights and shameful to the English people, and declaring the charter ‘null and void of all validity for ever’.
In September 1215, civil war broke out between King John and his barons. The King raised an army of mercenaries to fight his cause, while the barons renounced their allegiance to him, and invited Prince Louis (1187–1226), son of the King of France, to accept the English crown. Louis invaded England in 1216, and England was still at war when John died of dysentery on the night of 18 October 1216.
Magna Carta was effectively dead, but it gained new life in the early years of the reign of the next king, Henry III. Henry was just nine years old when he succeeded to the throne, and in November 1216 a revised version of the Magna Carta was issued in his name, in order to regain the support of the barons. Another version of the Magna Carta was granted in the following year after the French army had been expelled from England. In 1225, on reaching the age of 18, Henry reissued a much-revised version of the Magna Carta which was later enrolled on the statute book by King Edward I (r. 1272–1307) in 1297.
What was the long-term impact of Magna Carta?
Magna Carta is sometimes regarded as the foundation of democracy in England. In fact, most of its terms applied only to a small proportion of the population in 1215, and the implementation of the charter in subsequent centuries remained open to the interpretation of the courts.
Revised versions of Magna Carta were issued by King Henry III (in 1216, 1217 and 1225), and the text of the 1225 version was entered onto the statute roll in 1297. Magna Carta had limited the circumstances under which the King could raise money without the consent of the people. The 1225 version of Magna Carta had been granted explicitly in return for a payment of tax by the whole kingdom, and this paved the way for the first summons of Parliament in 1265, to approve the granting of taxation.
In the 17th century, opponents of King Charles I (1625-49) used Magna Carta to regulate the arbitrary use of royal authority. Sir Edward Coke, declared that ‘Magna Carta is such a fellow, that he will have no sovereign’, and in 1628 he helped to draft the Petition of Right, which limited royal power and made explicit reference to Magna Carta. When King Charles was himself put on trial in 1649, it was argued that his attempts to halt the proceedings contravened the clause of Magna Carta which prohibited the delay of justice.
Magna Carta has consequently acquired a special status as the cornerstone of English liberties. This is despite the fact that the vast majority of its clauses have now been repealed, or in some cases superseded by other legislation such as the Human Rights Act (1998). Magna Carta nonetheless retains enormous symbolic power as an ancient defence against arbitrary and tyrannical rulers, and as a guarantor of individual liberties.
Common Law
Shortly after the Magna Carta was created a lot of laws started to be created, not all were written down but were known as Common Law of the Land
Presumptions of Law
A Roman Court does not operate according to any true rule of law, but by presumptions of the law.
Therefore, if presumptions presented by the private Bar Guild are not rebutted they become fact and are therefore said to stand true. There are twelve (12) key presumptions asserted by the private Bar Guilds which if unchallenged stand true being-
Public Record, Public Service, Public Oath, Immunity, Summons, Custody, Court of Guardians, Court of Trustees, Government as Executor/Beneficiary, Executor De Son Tort, Incompetence, and Guilt:
(i) The Presumption of Public Record is that any matter brought before a lower Roman Cours is a matter for the public record when in fact it is presumed by the members of the private Bar Guild that the matter is a private Bar Guild business matter. Unless openly rebuked and rejected by stating clearly the matter is to be on the Public Record, the matter remains a private Bar Guild matter completely under private Bar Guild rules; and
This presumption is rebutted. This matter is recorded in a public environment, as indicated by the public register number on page 1.
(ii) The Presumption of Law and Public Service is that all the members of the Private Bar Guild who have all sworn a solemn secret absolute oath to their Guild then act as public agents of the Government, or “public officials” by making additional oaths of public office that openly and deliberately contradict their private “superior” oaths to their own Guild. Unless openly rebuked and rejected, the claim stands that these private Bar Guild members are legitimate public servants and therefore trustees under public oath; and
The possibility of this matter being a private matter is rebutted. All persons engaged in the matter at hand, are deemed to be in public service, as public servants.
(iii) The Presumption of Public Oath is that all members of the Private Bar Guild acting in the capacity of “public officials” who have sworn a solemn public oath remain bound by that oath and therefore bound to serve honestly, impartially and fairly as dictated by their oath. Unless openly challenged and demanded, the presumption stands that the Private Bar Guild members have functioned under their public oath in contradiction to their Guild oath. If challenged, such individuals must rescue themselves as having a conflict of interest and cannot possibly stand under a public oath; and
The possibility of this is rebutted and all public servants acting on behalf of this matter are required to state all sworn oaths, both public and private.
(iv) The Presumption of Immunity is that key members of the Private Bar Guild in the capacity of “public officials” acting as judges, prosecutors and magistrates who have sworn a solemn public oath in good faith are immune from personal claims of injury and liability. Unless openly challenged and their oath demanded, the presumption stands that the members of the Private Bar Guild as public trustees acting as judges, prosecutors and magistrates are immune from any personal accountability for their actions; and
This is absolutely rebutted. Any person acting as an agent for a nameless, faceless corporation is wholly personally responsible for their actions on behalf of the corporation. All actions incurring any degree of injury will incur Notice of Injury, including severe financial penalty.
(v) The Presumption of Summons is that by custom a summons unrebutted stands and therefore one who attends Court is presumed to accept a position (defendant, juror, witness) and jurisdiction of the court. Attendance to court is usually invitation by summons. Unless the summons is rejected and returned, with a copy of the rejection filed prior to choosing to visit or attend, jurisdiction and position as the accused and the existence of “guilt” stands; and
This presumption is absolutely rebutted, on this occasion, on past occasions, and on all future occasions. However, at no time are we absent, nor silent with regard to the matters at hand.
(vi) The Presumption of Custody is that by custom a summons or warrant for arrest unrebutted stands and therefore one who attends Court is presumed to be a thing and therefore liable to be detained in custody by “Custodians”. Custodians may only lawfully hold custody of property and “things” not flesh and blood soul possessing beings. Unless this presumption is openly challenged by rejection of summons and/or at court, the presumption stands you are a thing and property and therefore lawfully able to be kept in custody by custodians; and
This presumption is absolutely rebutted. We are alive and well, we are not things, we are not in custody by Custodians or Guardians. We are not a ‘thing’. We are not the property of the Roman Court or the Roman Empire. Under no circumstances may We be detained in any way whatsoever, nor at any time, past, present or future.
(vii) The Presumption of Court of Guardians is the presumption that as you may be listed as a “resident” of a ward of a local government area and have listed on your “passport” the letter P, you are a pauper and therefore under the “Guardian” powers of the government and its agents as a “Court of Guardians”. Unless this presumption is openly challenged to demonstrate you are both a general guardian and general executor of the matter (trust) before the court, the presumption stands and you are by default a pauper, and lunatic and therefore must obey the rules of the clerk of guardians (clerk of magistrates court);
We are at all times the General Executor and General Guardian of all our matters including those currently under discussion, and are the result of a system of debtism, employed by a private banking system and upheld by a private Bar Guild.
(viii) The Presumption of Court of Trustees is that members of the Private Bar Guild presume you accept the office of trustee as a “public servant” and “government employee” just by attending a Roman Court, as such Courts are always for public trustees by the rules of the Guild and the Roman System. Unless this presumption is openly challenged to state you are merely visiting by “invitation” to clear up the matter and you are not a government employee or public trustee in this instance, the presumption stands and is assumed as one of the most significant reasons to claim jurisdiction – simply because you “appeared”; and
Absolutely no jurisdiction, at any time, may be claimed by the Private Bar Guild over Us. The office of trustee is rejected. The role of public servant and government employee is rejected. However, the need for each of us to contribute to the wellbeing of community is acknowledged and graciously embraced.
(ix) The Presumption of Government acting in two roles as Executor and Beneficiary is that for the matter at hand, the Private Bar Guild appoint the judge/magistrate in the capacity of Executor while the Prosecutor acts in the capacity of Beneficiary of the trust for the current matter. Unless this presumption is openly challenged to demonstrate you are both a general guardian and general executor of the matter (trust) before the court, the presumption stands and you are by default the trustee, therefore must obey the rules of the executor (judge/magistrate); and
This presumption is rebutted. We are General Executor, General Guardian and Beneficiary with regard to all matters pertaining to the legal person Craig Masters and Leith Masters, as well as the flesh and blood persons.
(x) The Presumption of Executor De Son Tort is the presumption that if the accused does seek to assert their right as Executor and Beneficiary over their body, mind and soul they are acting as an Executor De Son Tort or a “false executor” challenging the “rightful” judge as Executor. Therefore, the judge/magistrate assumes the role of “true” executor and has the right to have you arrested, detained, fined or forced into a psychiatric evaluation. Unless this presumption is openly challenged by not only asserting one’s position as Executor as well as questioning if the judge or magistrate is seeking to act as Executor De Son Tort, the presumption stands and a judge or magistrate of the private Bar guild may seek the assistance of bailiffs or sheriffs to assert their false claim; and
This is rebutted. Under no circumstances may the Judge attempt to assume the role of Executor and before any personal appearance before a court is undertaken to discuss matters at hand, the Judge will need to put in writing that this is clearly understood and acknowledged.
(xi) The Presumption of Incompetence is the presumption that you are at least ignorant of the law, therefore incompetent to present yourself and argue properly. Therefore, the judge/magistrate as executor has the right to have you arrested, detained, fined or forced into a psychiatric evaluation. Unless this presumption is openly challenged to the fact that you know your position as executor and beneficiary and actively rebuke and object to any contrary presumptions, then it stands by the time of pleading that you are incompetent then the judge or magistrate can do what they need to keep you obedient; and
This is rebutted. The Roman Law is under scrutiny for it’s contribution to the current state of the planet, the distribution of rights and resources and the obstruction of Divine Law. In discussion regarding such matters, no privilege of deeming us incompetent is permitted.
(xii) The Presumption of Guilt is the presumption that as it is presumed to be a private business meeting of the Bar Guild, you are guilty whether you plead “guilty”, do not plead or plead “not guilty”. Therefore unless you either have previously prepared an affidavit of truth and motion to dismiss with extreme prejudice onto the public record or call a demurrer, then the presumption is you are guilty and the private Bar Guild can hold you until a bond is prepared to guarantee the amount the guild wants to profit from you; and
This is rebutted. Under no circumstances is a presumption of Guilt allowed. Under no circumstances may We be detained. Under no circumstances may any financial transaction occur, in the favour of the Guild as the claims of the private bank are investigated.
Terms and Conditions
1.1 You will be able to access the majority of this Website without having to record any details with us. Access to the member area once testing is completed will only be possible by way of a password. This is the password you set when you first join us. Your cards SQR code will still take you directly to your individual page, but you will need to enter a password for your information to be displayed. Your page will stay live as long as your annual membership fee is up to date.
1.2 None payment of annual fees will constitute you wishing to remove yourself from our Private Members Association.
1.3 All your details will be removed from our system 28 days of none renew fees. If you wish to rejoin you will need to start a completely new membership.
2.1 You are permitted to use our website for your own purposes, material from this Website provided that you do not modify any content without our written consent. Material on this website must not be republished, copied online or offline without our permission.
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6.2 The material at this Website is provided without any conditions or warranties of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we provide access and use of this website on the basis that we exclude all representations, warranties, and conditions which but for these Terms may have effect in relation to this Website.
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This Legal Notice shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Natural law. Any dispute(s) arising in connection with this Legal Notice are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Natural Law Courts of England and Wales.
Please visit our contact page to view our address and contact information.
As this is a bespoke website, we are likely to encounter a number of coding issues until the site has been fully BETA tested. Some of the DATA bases will need to be left open and accessible to anyone who searches. Once we have completed our testing which could take up to 12 months ( so up to December 2021) we will then be putting a higher level of security which will require a password for anyone to access your details. Resetting your password will also be a security issue and expect delays of up to 5 hrs in resetting your password.